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Guide to Becoming a Pilot in India-Eligibility Exams Fees & Training (Image by Baptiste Maltaverne from Pixabay)

Becoming a pilot in India and globally offers a combination of financial rewards owing to high salaries, job security due to rapid growth in this sector, travel opportunities to new destinations, career satisfaction, work-life balance, and flexible working hours, making it a highly appealing and fulfilling career choice for many individuals. It’s an exciting process that takes commitment, desire, and endurance to become a pilot in India. There are several challenges and advantages along the way to becoming a pilot, including fluency in English, highly analytical mind, qualifying for the position, passing tests, and going through intense training. I’ll give you a brief overview of qualifying requirements, entrance tests, and training programs in this post on how to become a pilot in India.

5 Step Guide to Becoming a Pilot in India

1. Know the Eligibility Criteria

In order to become a pilot in India, applicants need to fulfill specific requirements, such as-

  • Educational Requirements: Candidates must have 10+2 from a recognized board with mathematics and physics mandatory subjects with minimum 50% marks obtained.
  • Age Requirement: Generally, applicants for pilot training must be between the ages of 17 and 18, however the maximum age may change based on the kind of license being sought.
  • Medical Fitness: To make sure candidates meet the requirements set forth by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA), they must pass a Class 2 Medical Examination administered by certified aviation medical examiners.

2. Pass the Entrance Examinations

In order to be enrolled to pilot training programs in India, prospective pilots must pass entrance tests administered by aviation training facilities or flying clubs. Generally there is Pilot aptitude test followed by written exams and interview. Aptitude test is taken to assess the cognitive abilities, spatial awareness, and decision-making skills of the aspirant while written exam includes subjects like Air Regulations, Navigation, Meteorology, and Technical General. Typical entrance tests include the following exams-

3. Enroll in Pilot Training Programs

Candidates can join in pilot training programs provided by aviation training institutes, flying clubs, or academies after passing the entrance tests. Typically, the training program covers the following topics-

  • Theoretical topics including aviation laws, meteorology, navigation, aircraft systems, and flight planning are covered in ground training.
  • During flight training, candidates learn how to pilot an aircraft and execute maneuvers under the guidance of professional flight instructors.
  • Flight simulators are used in simulator training to replicate real-world flying situations and improve pilot abilities in a safe setting.

4. Acquire Pilot Licenses

After completing pilot training successfully, candidates must get DGCA-issued pilot licenses. Among the different kinds of pilot licenses are-

  • Student Pilot License (SPL) – The SPL enables applicants to train in aviation under the guidance of certified flying instructors. Though SPL does not require flight experience, it is a precondition for additional pilot training. When the SPL is issued, candidates must be at least 16 years old and meet the 10th standard as a minimum qualification.
  • Private Pilot License (PPL) – The PPL allows its bearer to operate an aircraft for leisure and non-commercial reasons. It includes 40 hours of flight flying experience. In India, PPL typical training program lasts 3 to 4 months. After completion, anyone can operate an aircraft for non-commercial purposes, either carrying people or cargo.
  • Commercial Pilot License (CPL) – CPL holders are permitted to fly airplanes for hire, including flights carrying passengers or goods. The training program gives 200 hours of flying instruction and typically lasts 8 to 10 months. In accordance with DGCA regulations, this course covers a variety of areas/subjects including dual/solo flying, general flying, circuit and landing sorties, instrument and cross-country flying, skill tests, route inspections, and night flying rating.
  • Airline Transport Pilot License (ATPL) – ATPL is the highest level of pilot certification, it is necessary for anyone wishing to operate as a Pilot in Command on a commercial aircraft. It includes the most extensive flight training and experience. A minimum of 1,500 flight hours and passing theoretical tests are needed. Large aircraft with more than nine passenger seats or more than 5,700 kg can be flown by ATPL holders.
  • Multi-Engine Rating (MER) – A MER course is available to pilots who want to operate larger, more sophisticated aircraft. A minimum of 100 hours of flight time and passing both theoretical and practical tests are required for this course.

Pilots with these licenses can fly for a variety of purposes and in a range of conditions, from personal to commercial. In addition, there are ratings such as the Instrument Rating (IR), Multi-engine Rating (ME), and Flight Instructor Rating (AFI) that pilots can obtain to fly particular aircraft types or under particular conditions. Different career pathways and aviation goals in India are catered by the requirements and privileges of each type of license and rating.

5. Acquire Experience and Drive Your Career

Aspiring pilots need to accumulate flight hours and earn flying experience after receiving their licenses in order to progress in their careers. A lot of pilots begin their careers as co-pilots or flight instructors and work their way up to become airline pilots, corporate pilots, or flight instructors.

Cost or Fees for Obtaining Aircraft Flying License in India

Depending on the kind of license and the training facility, getting a pilot’s license in India might be expensive. This is a summary of the approximate cost and fees based on looking through different online resources.

  • Private Pilot License (PPL) – In India, the price of a Private Pilot License (PPL) varies from 5 to 15 lakhs, depending on the institute and facilities offered. The usual ground classes for PPL are between 80,000 and 150,000 Indian Rupees.
  • Commercial Pilot License (CPL) – For a Commercial Pilot License (CPL) in India, the cost can range from Rs. 250,000 to Rs. 500,000, depending on the training institution. While browsing the resources, it is found that overall cost of obtaining a CPL in India can be around INR 40-50 lakhs on average, including additional expenses like type rating for specific aircraft models.
  • Aircraft Pilot License (APL) – Depending on the training facility, acquiring an Aircraft Pilot License (APL) for private aviation in India normally costs between Rs. 150,000 and Rs. 250,000.
  • Airline Transport Pilot License (ATPL) – Depending on the training facility, the cost of the highest level of pilot license in India, the Airline Transport Pilot License (ATPL), can range from Rs. 5 Lakhs to Rs. 10 Lakhs.
  • Helicopter Pilot License (HPL) – A Helicopter Pilot License (HPL), which is required to operate helicopters in India, can be obtained for between Rs. 2 Lakhs and Rs. 5 Lakhs depending on the training facility.

Ultimately, depending on the kind of license, the training facility, any further ratings needed, and other related costs, the price of getting a pilot’s license in India can vary greatly. In order to achieve their professional goals in aviation, aspiring pilots need carefully examine these expenditures and make appropriate plans after enquiring from the expert in the field or your training institute from where you’re taking coaching for the entrance exam preparations.

In summary
In India, becoming a pilot is an exciting and lucrative career that calls for commitment, perseverance, and an affection of aviation. Potential pilots can start a fulfilling career in the aviation sector by fulfilling eligibility conditions, passing admission tests, going through a demanding training program, and earning pilot licenses. The sky is the limit for individuals who want to become pilots in India and aspire to reach great heights with endurance and drive.

Image designed at- Canva
